SAT-ACT and SAT II Spring 2016 Schedule
By tlcwestchesterUncategorizedWe have received many inquiries from Fairfield County, Connecticut parents regarding when their children should take the SATs, ACTs, and, if needed, SAT IIs. Public schools in Connecticut offered the SAT to all students in March. Public school students, having had a trial run at the SAT, should take the SAT again in either May or June.
The next ACT is in April. Some private school students in Fairfield County have decided to forego the SAT entirely and only focus on the ACT. If that is the case, make sure your children take the test again in June, if they did not take the February ACT. Historically, most students perform better the second time on the SAT or ACT.
Many of our clients will also be taking the SAT IIs. These subject tests can be taken in either May or June.
We suggest digging in seriously for prep so that students will have test scores close to their potential. In doing so, they will be well prepared for college admissions as they submit their applications in the fall of senior year.